Thursday, June 24, 2010

political upheaval

Well it been a massive day here in Australia. Imagine in the US if Barack Obama was told by the Democrat party that they no longer want him to be president , and they want Joe Biden to replace him effective immediately. Well, thats what happened here today. Today, Kevin Rudd, of the Labor Party, our Prime Minister for the last 2.5 years, resigned as PM , and was replaced by the Deputy PM, Julia Gillard, who has now become our first female PM.
Im not too sure what to think about this. I dont like the way that its happened. But im a Labor party voter, and always will be.
in November 2007, after 11 years of awfulness under the Liberal Party led by conservative dickface John Howard, Kevin Rudd swept to power in an electoral landslide, similar to what Obama achieved in the US after 8 years of Bush.
Unfortunately Rudd's mega high popularity of the last 2 years has nosedived in the last 6 months. with the next election due to be held sometime later this year, the Labor party felt that had no choice but to replace him. I think they panicked, and i think he still would have won the next election. When it comes down to it, i dont think ppl will vote for the oppoisition, lead by the psychotic twit , Tony abbott.
I think its great that we have a woman as PM, but its pointless if she cant do the job. Hopefully she can. If the liberal party under Abbott somehow wins the next election, the gay rights here will take another backward step. Rudd has been pretty good for gay rights, he has pretty much given equal everything except marriage/adoption/IVF. Gillard shares the same views on gay rights as he does. I even believe she could be convinced to allow a vote on gay marriage, which the majority of australians now support, as do a lot of labor party members.
Tony Abbots response to homosexuals is that " he finds them a bit threatening" . hes an ignorant, extremely right wing douchebag. just like his predecessor, the dis-honourable John Howard, who not only did not progress gay rights during his reign, he actually regressed them , whilst the rest of the world was doing otherwise.
If Abbott wins, i think ill leave the country. seriously. so go Julia. Our first female PM.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

gay jokes... to laugh or not

ok i have a pretty good sense of humour i think
i have no problem at all with gay jokes generally, as long as theyre funny or dont overly ridicule us , or they come from another gay person or a close friend.
i was in a social situation the other day where i got told a gay joke by someone who doesnt know about me, and i also dont know them very well. the joke was told after australia got walloped 4-0 by germany in the soccer world cup.
the joke was about a little boy in class whos teacher asked him what his daddy does. the little boy replied his daddy was gay and strips in gay bars and sleeps with men for money. after class the teacher asked him if that was true, to which the little boy replied "no, he plays soccer for australia, but i was too embarresed to tell the truth"

ok its kinda funny really, if ur american i guess replace "australian soccer team" with something like "new jersey nets" , and it might be kinda funny to you as well.what does anyone else think? not just about this joke but gay jokes generally?
i really didnt like it at the time, coming from a straight person whom i dont know very well.
its like a white person telling a racist joke to a black person i reckon.

besides that , things r ok, no big news :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

telling more ppl

hey guys! found a spare couple of hours to do a post. ive also been catching up on a few of my favorite blogs for the last hour. congrats to Taylor - taylor has a great blog that ive been following since he started it, and his progress over the last few months has been amazing, and he came out to his best friend the other night and it went well for him.
also welcome back ethan! im glad things r getting better for u and ur back posting.

so whats been happening with me? well still busy working off course. havnt had much of a life lately but i got a free day today, and im going to a party tonight with some friends.
im catching up with my brothers again soon and im trying to decide if i should tell another brother. i guess it will depend on how drunk i get? haha. im not going to put any pressure on myself, because im pretty happy with things as they r right now. i know that eventually i need to go beyond telling just 1 brother, but there is no rush .
anyway i havnt decided and im still 50/50 , its a couple of weeks before i see them so i still have time to think it through.

my mum had more surgery last week, and she is doing lot better. her condition (its a kidney problem)may still cause her problems in the future but for now she will be ok which is great!

so anyway its 5pm on a saturday here and i need to go make myself look good for tonight
take care everyone!