Saturday, June 19, 2010

gay jokes... to laugh or not

ok i have a pretty good sense of humour i think
i have no problem at all with gay jokes generally, as long as theyre funny or dont overly ridicule us , or they come from another gay person or a close friend.
i was in a social situation the other day where i got told a gay joke by someone who doesnt know about me, and i also dont know them very well. the joke was told after australia got walloped 4-0 by germany in the soccer world cup.
the joke was about a little boy in class whos teacher asked him what his daddy does. the little boy replied his daddy was gay and strips in gay bars and sleeps with men for money. after class the teacher asked him if that was true, to which the little boy replied "no, he plays soccer for australia, but i was too embarresed to tell the truth"

ok its kinda funny really, if ur american i guess replace "australian soccer team" with something like "new jersey nets" , and it might be kinda funny to you as well.what does anyone else think? not just about this joke but gay jokes generally?
i really didnt like it at the time, coming from a straight person whom i dont know very well.
its like a white person telling a racist joke to a black person i reckon.

besides that , things r ok, no big news :)


  1. guess it totally depends on the context of the joke, and like you said who's telling it. Most jokes I'm fine with... I don't think we're immume to being the butt of a joke (no pun intended haha) but as long as it's

    90% of the time my friends (who don't know about me) use fag/queer/homo they don't literally mean that, its just a general insult. Pardon my language but I guess it's like someone using mother fucker or bastard, they don't literally mean that, it's just an insult. Doesn't make it ok, but that's just what I think.

    The times it really does bug me is when they use fag/homo as a direct literal insult, those suck.

  2. Wow I'm really hungover still, my comment was confusing haha but you know what I mean

  3. haha yeah dude i understood :)
