Sunday, March 7, 2010


last night i was flickn thru some channels, and stumbled upon some documentary about an organisation called PFLAG. it stands for Parents & Friends of Lesbians And Gays. i had heard of the organisation b4, but to be completely honest i had never really known what the letters stood for or knew what they actually did. so they interviews all these parents from the sydney branch of PFLAG. every one of these parents was so proud of their children. they told how their children came out, what their reactions were, how they feel now, and how being part of PFLAG has helped them so much. they meet once a month as a kinda support group thing. makes me wonder if my mum would link up with some organisation like that if/when i come out to her. these parents really made my heart warm. one of the parents was a very masculine elderly man whos son was a drag queen. he was so proud of his son anyway that it nearly made me cry. one woman whos son was on the cover of a gay magazine talked about how proud she was when she saw it. if i ever come out to my mum, i guess i hope she is like one of these parents that i saw.


  1. PFLAG can help parents or families who are struggling with accepting someone coming out. From what I understand, it was started by a mother who watched the news and saw her son attacked in a gay rights march while the police stood by and did nothing. The next year she marched with him holding a sign supporting her son. She had so many people approach her and ask if she could talk to their parents that she realized that she should start an organization for parents, so she did.

  2. John, this comment is totally off-topic, but I just had to ask.
    You wrote a blog earlier entitled "the fuckbuddy" (in 2001, the guy was 33, had a daughter, and was recently separated).
    The guy that you described sounds very similar to my ex, I was wondering if you'd be able to tell me if he had an Indian background, and did his name start with an 'R'?

  3. hi anonymous
    nope, definitely not the same person!!

  4. Haha! Thanks for the very quick reply! Keep up the good work with your blogging, you've certainly had an eventful life, and there's STILL MORE TO COME!
    Good Luck.

  5. Who knows - maybe someday you'll see your mom at a gay pride march holding up a sign. People can really surprise you.

