Tuesday, January 24, 2012

12 months on

Well what an amazing year its been. I left my home, my family and friends, and moved to canada. Ive travvled all over north america, visited some amazing places and had some wonderful experiences. Then it all came crashing down last week. My partner of 8.5 years broke up with me . he is in love with someone else. someone i trusted explicitly. Ive had some difficult times through my life, but now i really know what rock bottom is. no food or sleep for a week. tears after tears. emptiness.

But theres always a bright side to everything. when you hit rock bottom , u feel like u have nothing left to lose. i called my mother. came clean about everything. told my siblings. they were all great. more supportive than i could possibly have imagined. i realise now that i really had nothing to worry about. my mother understood completely. she agreed that my father would never have accepted it and understood why i had never come out.
But a massive weight is off my shoulders. Im out of the closet. finally. after all these years. no more secrets or hiding who i am. now i just have to rebuild my life from the ground up. i wont be beaten. i will survive.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John, you haven't posted much in the past year but I still have your blog bookmarked and check it out every now and then.

    I'm sorry to hear about the recent change in relationship status. Something that was good and lasted so long must've been very hard to move on from. I'm glad there was a silver lining in the support from your family. It's been a few months since your post, but I hope you're doing well. Still in Canada eh? I hope you're enjoying the country I live in! Have a wonderful weekend!

