Thursday, February 18, 2010

another baby

so my brother just rang me, i have another niece. this makes it niece/nephew number 4,000,000 . ok im exxagareting, but seriously my siblings are breeding machines. i have 4 siblings and they all have kids. 1 of them even has 4 kids!!!! so obviously im the only kid of the family without children of his own. im very happy for them all whenever they pop out the next one. but i have to admit i get supremely jealous and a bit depressed every time. im not sure i even want kids, but its just shitty to think of the normal happy lives they got to lead, breeding whenever they want, carrying on the family name, whilst im the one that got stuck with the gay gene, unable to procreate with a woman. i know its selfish of me to think like that in such a happy time for them, but i cant help it. i really am happy for them, and i love all my nieces and nephews. it just sucks a bit folr me. i cant really explain it much more than that


  1. Can't adopt? What about having someone carry a baby for you? I met someone who donated their eggs. You could pay someone to be a surrogate?
    I know things aren't easy for you, in this situation. But if its something your really want, isn't it obtainable?

    I really want to say "why do you seem to think that there is anything you can't do, just cause your gay?" But I get that it complicates things for you. I just wish you could see it differently. Not let being gay dictate choices in your life.
    :/ I dunno. But congrats on the niece. I hope she is blessed with health and love.

  2. I felt the same way until we adopted our son. Even after that going to weddings was really hard for me. Now we're married in our state but our national government won't recognize it. I hope for the future.

    Can same sex couples adopt in Australia? There was an Australian couple that used an American surrogate in the news for some reason a while ago.

  3. Thanks for the comments guys. g&p - gay adoption is legal in some states of australia only, but not mine. Will - i perhaps didnt explain myself well enough, i know there are options for me if i do decide i want kids , but its not the same way that the rest of my family is able to do it. this is what upsets me. i hope this makes more sense. Also , i do not let being gay stop me doing things. but it DOES stop me having sex with women and making babies!

  4. i know whatcha mean john. hang in their mate. im sure if u find ure soul mate u wont care anymore. ull just think having any child by adopting or whatever process ull feel like u created a life cuz u did it together. plus if i ever adopt i know ill be giving them a better life and they will be greatful. ill need someone to take care of me when im old and grumpy! hah. i guess im just using how i feel and it makes me optimistic :)

  5. I guess its just something I can't completely relate to. I'm sterile, so I thought I could...But it seems like theres just more to it then that.
    -best wishes
