Monday, February 8, 2010

my parents divorce pt 1

id be lying if i didnt say my parents divorce didnt fuck me up a bit.
im going back to the past for this post. a long way to the past. 1992. I am 11 years old. im lying on the lounge reading a book. my brothers are watching TV. my dad walks into the room. he tells me to chuck the book. this sounded important. he just comes straight out with it. i dont remember the exact words. but it was something like. "your mum is moving out. you can either stay or leave with her". he then speaks about her "boyfriend" i immediately knew who that was. i was so stupid, how had i not realised before. my mum had been inseperable from my dads best friend for as long as i could remember . the 2 of them were in business together. my mum had invested all our money into this business, which appeared to be a spectacular failure. they had often spent hours locked away just the 2 of them. i guess i was young and naive and thought it was just business. looking back, i think i already knew the truth. he wasnt really her "boyfriend" . it was just a pure affair. he was married, so was she. i dont think either of them intended on it being any more than that, but the damage was done. they hadnt done a very good hiding it really, as even an innocent 11 year old boy had kinda worked it out. the next day i spoke to my mum for the first time. she asked if dad had talked to me. i nodded. she asked if i was moving with her. i didnt know what to do. she had rented a unit a few streets away. she said she thought me and one of my brothers would come with her. i told her the brother she thought would come had decided to stay with dad . i was so mad at her that i was considering staying with dad too, even though i had always been closer to mum at that age. but the look of disapointment and sadness on her face when i said my brother was staying, made me really feel sorry for her, but still i was still angry too. i said i hadnt decided yet. i didnt want to decide, so i never brought it up again. and noone asked me. then the day came a couple of weeks later when mum was moving. i then was asked again. so r u going with her or not. i was a confused kid, being forced to make a decision i didnt want to make, and i burst out in tears. when i think back, fuck my parents for treating me like that. it wasnt right. you do not force an 11 year old boy to make a spur of the moment choice on who he wants to live with. especially after you have just told him the mum he loves so much has been having an affair. but it doesnt change anything, it still happened. i dont think ive ever properly gotten over that day.


  1. thats a tough thing to endure and especially at that age. at least it sounds like you understood that it was not your fault- but doesn't sound like you were given the delicacy or attention that a child deserves for that situation. I will await what awaits in part 2...

  2. That is bad, i remember my getting in a knockdowndragout and my dad left the house and got in his truck with a shotgun and a bottle of vodka, i know, pretty. Later my mom said she got a call from the husband of a woman he worked with who told her she better stop her husband from fucking his wife. She told me this and all i could think of was eeeeewe. I now have a standing joke with a lesbian at work who sees a therapist (and i am looking for one) that the first thing you tell the therapist is "my parents done fucked me up", her parents were catholic and mine were well just messed up. I have to agree with you though, the way they approached it was fucked up. I am not the best parent but i like to think i would be better than that and better than my parents as well. File that one, talk about it if you must with them but try to have a great day tomorrow! It is not 17 degrees out where you are and you won't be stomped on with 17 inches of snow on Wednesday...I live in Mass. Make it a geat day tomorrow!

  3. It sounds like the whole family - both parents, you and your siblings - really needed help at that point. Everyone felt betrayed, I guess.

  4. Wow, this leaves me a little raw considering my impending decision wether or not to leave my wife or not.
    I worry so much about my kids, the only relief that I have is that i would hope that my wife and I would always remain friends and unified parents.
