Friday, December 25, 2009

coming out at christmas

just a quick post, merry christmas to all.ive had all my family at my place for the day, they are all gone now except my mum who stayed the night. i had a great day, lots of yummy food , plenty of beer, and great company. its the one time of year when i see all my family, as we are so spread around we rarely get together except for special events. every christmas, i think about coming out. it really would be a perfect time to do it, i would only have to say it once as everyone is there. i always imagine just suddenly tapping a glass an saying i have an announcement, and blurting it out. it never happens though, i dont have the guts. maybe one day. but not this year.


  1. Awesome blog..nice and refreshing to see how people all deal with the sexuality struggle differently. I am in the process of coming out to myself. I am married with 2 kids and recently told my wife about my torment. It was the most liberating decision I have made, and I am lucky to say it seems to have been the right one for now.

    Tonight my boyfriend is going to meet my wife...should be interesting, but hey isn't that how life should be...interesting?

  2. thanks for the kind words, hope it works out for you!
