Monday, December 28, 2009

roommate complications

i had mixed feelings about living with tim. even though i was feeling a lot more comfortable with my sexuality,i still was quite a bit fucked up about it, and i was still completely in the closet, and totally paranoid about living with a gay guy, especially tim who was completely out, and had been since he was 16. so everyone i met thru him was gunna know about me, something i wasnt yet comfortable with. i was also paranoid about any of my friends and family visiting, as he said he was not gunna hide who he was if any of them visited. so i kinda worked hard at keeping certain people away, which wasnt good, and i know i didnt handle it well, but i did what i felt i had to.
then there was the fact that i had a thing for him. he was totally messed up about his bf leaving him, and he wanted me to sleep with him for quite a few weeks. we only had sex maybe 3 times, he just wanted someone there next to him as a comfort thing. he then kinda treated me like an asshole, he started sleeping with other guys in between these nights, but then would tell me things like he thought maybe one day we could be together, which was complete bullshit. he even tricked me into working for him for free for a week. looking back, i was so naive and young, and probably a bit lost. after about a month or so, i finally realised what a prick he was, and i got over him pretty quickly, and we became just roommates and i stopped sleeping in his room. but i defintely was a bit heart broken over the whole thing. i didnt move because i was still at uni and didnt have much money. and despite the bad stuff, having a gay roommate meant i could do what i wanted at home without having to hide it, and this was definitly an upside.


  1. Between what happened during the time covered by the last two posts, you certainly went through a lot in a short period of time. It must have been rough, but you survived and learned a lot. Hopefully the next chapters in your life were easier and happier.

  2. I agree with green you seemed to have gone through a lot to get where you are

  3. whatever doesnt kill you only makes you stronger :)
