Thursday, January 7, 2010

my crush on dave

so my friend dave that i mentioned a few times in earlier posts, broke up with his psycho boyfriend in about May 02. we had been intensely close for about 6 months by that point and somehow i ended up wanting him as more than friend. our friendship had nearly always borded on sexual without really going there, except for a few drunken moments. i decided to tell him i liked him and i honestly thought he felt the same. but he said he didnt want to be with anyone for a while after finally getting out of his nightmare of a relationship, and he just wanted to be single. i was totally pissed off when a few weeks later he started seeing someone else. he had went home with this guy during the end of his relationship and he told me they had secretly been seeing each other for a few weeks. i also thought the guy was a total wanker which made it worse. the night they had met , dave left me at the nightclub we were at alone to go home with him. i thought it was just a one nighter. so so wrong i was. they are still together now, nearly 8 years later. we patched up our differences over what happened, i got over it not long after. but our friendship has never quite been the same, although we are still good friends. the guy is still a bit of a wanker, and treats dave like shit. i found out about a year ago that he slept with one of mine and daves best friends. to complicate it further, she is a girl. she told me about it herself, wracked with guilt. i told her to tell dave the truth but she hasnt. i cant tell dave, even though id like to, as ive been in that situation before and the person who tells always gets the bad end of the stick. so im keeping my mouth shut.


  1. It's hard to watch a relationship like that but also support your friend. Telling a friend what you really think of his boyfriend is probably about the riskiest thing that you can do to a friendship. I hope it works out well for all involved.

  2. Yeah he wont believe it and as had as it is I think you are right for not saying anything.

    I feel bad about her and hope she feels better and tells him herself
