Wednesday, January 13, 2010

post holiday depression

coming back from overseas to reailty is horrible. im a bit of a traveller, having travelled all around my own country of oz, ive also been to the UK, asia, a few pacific islands , a few states of the USA, mexico, all over south america, and NZ. this UK trip was my first real big one though, and coming home was the worst feeling. and not just because the holiday was over, but i had absolutely nothing to come home to. i had no job, no love prospects, was flat broke, i had taken time off uni, and of course the whole gay thing always weighs on ur mind. i can barely remember what i did the couple of months after i got home. i think i spent a lot of time alone in my room, and probably had a few random net hookups here and there. in fact i think i spent way too much time online, i started staying up later and later, sometimes til 4-5am, and not getting out of bed til after lunch. my flatmate got the shits with me for being such a lazy barstard. i told him to go fuck himself of course. from memory i dont think i met anyone particuarly exciting during this period (sept-Dec2002), and to be honest i cant think of anything exciting that happened then. but 2003 was going to be a new year, and a big year!


  1. I totally hear you- when I got back from studying abroad after 5 months it was a harsh reality being back in the states. School did not start for a few months and definitely had too many late nights on the internet in that mix too.

  2. Best of luck for 2010.
